Special Teaching Activities
Teaching is an essential part of the activities within CA3. This page lists special teaching activities with the Competence Area.
Ringvorlesung: Die Welt im Computer
Seit dem Wintersemester 2019/20 organisiert das Kompetezfeld III eine Ringvorlesung mit dem Titel Die Welt im Computer - Einführung in Big Data, Machine Learning und Quantitative Modellierung, die jährlich in jedem Wintersemester stattfindet.
In der Ringvorlesung werden Konzepte zu Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, künstlicher Intelligenz und die verschiedenen Arten der Modellierung komplexer Systeme vorgestellt. Neben einem Überblick über die Methoden und die Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Super-Computern, werden Dozent*innen aus einem breiten Spektrum wissenschaftlicher Anwendungen über ihre aktuelle Forschung aus diesen Bereichen berichten.
Summer Schools
The Competence Area organizes regular summer schools for internal and external students. Detailed information about past and upcoming schools, including links to the school webpages and course material, can be found here.
Numerical Methods in MHD Simulations
In August 2017, the Competence Area organized an international conference on Numerical Methods in MHD Simulations that brought together scientists from various fields including applied mathematics, computer science, space science and astrophysics.
During a special pre-conference workshop, participants of the workshop received a crash course on the development of a modern MHD solver. The lectures slides of the theory sessions as well as the project descriptions are available here.
International Faculty
The International Faculty Program is a cornerstone of the internationalization strategy of the University of Cologne. The program aims at attracting outstanding international researchers who already collaborate closely with researchers based at the UoC.
Prof. Dr. Pavlos Kollias is the International Faculty member associated with CA3. He is a professor at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences of Stony Brook University, New York, and an atmospheric scientist at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY.
His research focuses on high-resolution observations and modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer and associated clouds, the vertical transport of energy and pollutants, and the aerosol-clouds-precipitation interactions at the cloud- and meso-scale. Kollias is also interested in the use of machine learning algorithms for the analysis of large dataset from complex systems He has established long term collaborations with Prof. Dr. Susanne Crewell and Prof. Dr. Roel Neggers and he is actively involved in the co-supervision of Masters and PhD students at the University of Cologne.
Seminars on Quantitative Modeling
An overview of past talks dealing with the quantitative modeling of complex systems can be found here. The talks were selected because of their societal impact, their methodological approach, and/or their interdisciplinary nature.