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computational sciences day for students


Computational Sciences Day for Students

The 2014 Computational Sciences Day will bring together researchers from all fields of research at the University of Cologne with a joint interest in numerical modelling. The one-day conference is organized by students and particularly encourages student participation – as conference attendees, poster presenters or speakers. Beyond the application of numerical simulations in such diverse fields as biology, mathematical physics or meteorology, a focus will be on the core numerical technique with presentations driven towards non-experts. A poster session in the afternoon will provide the opportunity for informal exchange on current research topics. 

The student program will be complemented by two invited presentations by Prof. Thomas Schulthess (ETH Zürich) who is the director of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) at Manno as well as Viktor Achter from the RRZK. 

Everyone is welcome to join!


Montag, der 29.9.2014, 9-17 Uhr


S 21 (Hauptraum), S23 (Nebenraum)
im Gebäude 106 (Seminargebäude )
Universitätsstraße 37
50931 Köln

Kontakt E-Mail:  


Aljona Blöcker (
Marius Garmhausen (
Peter Bröcker (
Johannes Helmes (
Oliver Hartkorn (